What is Porn Induced Erectile dysfunction(PIED) and Its Treatment?

Porn may increase the risk of facing erectile dysfunction(ED) or impotence, says Experts. Exposure to excessive Porn may cause a person to feel less confident in their personality. For others, it also becomes a way to overcome sexual problems like ED. However, ED is a complex sexual issue that might affect males' sexual response, and various factors can induce it. And Porn is not likely to be the only factor.

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual problem in which he finds himself unable to get or keep an erection during sexual intimacy. ED is one of the most challenging sexual problems that men face.

Some people argue that pornography or Porn can induce Erectile dysfunction. In contrast, various studies and researches have mixed conclusions, with some studies supporting this connection between Porn and ED and others arguing that pornography might help to deal with ED.

ED, like complex health issues that have a connection with physical and mental components, is quite tricky to understand. However, this article will help you to under more about Porn-induced Erectile function(PIED) and break down the topic with the available evidence.

